The Art of Quilting

Nov - Dec, 2024

Manisha Gera Baswani

Born in 1967. Received a Master's degree at the Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi. Recipient of a Junior Fellowship and National scholarship in Painting from the Government of India. She has been working on an ongoing photography project 'Artist through the lens' for the last two decades, which focuses on photographing Indian and Pakistani artists in their studios and creative spaces. An extension of 'Artist through the lens' is a project on the partition of India 'Postcards from Home'. The project was shown at the Lahore Biennale in 2018 and at the Kochi Biennale, both sponsored by the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, New Delhi. Based on her extensive photography project, she writes a regular photo essay column in the leading Indian art quarterly 'Take on Art'.

Available works
Previously exhibited works

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Life Breath

Watercolour, gouache and pin incisions on paper

46 x 61cm